Went for a run today to the Cott groyne and back, although because my DOG couldn't keep up: it was mainly just a long walk there and back.
I slept for 10 hours and 20 minutes last night! So crazy. I guess I have a huge sleep debt.
Feeling really good about the study thing. I've admittedly been doing half-days of homework when I could have been doing more. Then again, I have two weeks before my exams.
I'm turning 21 next week as well. Insane.
Feeling sore from run, so shower soon.
Can't wait to see the boy again, he's busy coding some project (a fifth one) until Wednesday. I feel happy about us.
Fish and Chips for dinner!
I've nearly done all structural assignments except for week 4 and 12 (and I need to actually learn how to do 13).
Steel, I steeeeeellll need to ask questions about.
Must ring up again about driving lessons. Such a pain that they didn't ring me back.
I need to do steel examples from the 70 dollar book I bought for it.
Sigh....I wonder if he hates me? Who cares, not really all that important. I've bigger fish to fry.
Writing stupid french essay: What purpose does literature serve? (1000 words). Not really I topic that you can do shortly. I'm pretty sure that people would have done PhDs on the subject.
I really, really want to go the University of Vermont... You can ski, and go to Montreal in less than 2 hours by car, they have insanely good extra-curricular programs and the campus is prettttttyyyyy. Plus hot americans! What more could you want? Mountains. Tons of mountains.
Apparently it gets really cold though but pffft. It's amazing and insane.
Also really expensive. I would need to save up heaps to be able to afford to even stay there let alone food money and travel money and extra clothes, extra spending money.