Friday, October 14, 2011

Update 1: Friends and Language

So I've been here for 1.5 months.

Seven weeks.

49-ish days.

Many moments.


Let's imagine this as an interview in a smoky, dark cafe called L'Assasin in the hip, but louche Belleville.

So what has changed?
What has changed? Can you be more specific?

For instance how has your life changed since moving into your new apartment?
Well, making new friends has been a huge change. At the Orientation session on 13th September all the Erasmus kids (that's the European exchange program), Ben (othe exchange student from UWA) and I were ramasses into an Amphi at the Censier Campus (not far from a Natural Science museum or the Mosquee de Paris).

Sat two rows from the front, we chatted to our neighbours who were Austrichienne and Cheque respectively. After being force-fed with information (tons of renseignments) we made a quick exit and had lunch in a creperie nearby. I, being a Tori, helped them finish of course. Janka complained that the cigarettes in France are too expensive: very interesting because I assume that they are much cheaper here than in L'Australie. 

Je suis desolee si tu ne comprends pas francais, mais ca me gene de temps en temps, de reflechir sur ma vie parisienne, sans ecrire dans la langue du pays.

Racing ahead to the language component, I am starting to melange my French and English. This is natural as I am taking on French as my No. 1 langue.

I'm also learning lots of italien as I have many beautiful Italian friends with their olive skin and exotic eyes. When I say lots, I mean I'm using useless phrases such as:

I spaghetti mi piace. Mi ciamo Vittoria.La Marmalatta di fragele di bosco e orgasmica.

Sono una bella ragazza. Vorrei una chocolata. PREGGO. Andiamo. 

Preggo is by far my favourite word in any language.

I also have some German friends. I like German (the language) now. I always used to think that it was an ugly language. Now I find it kind of cute: it's a bit like listening to aliens talk.

Wasser. Kirsch. Bitte schon. Danke schon. Heil Hitler. Swartzvalder Kirschetorte mit Slagg zhana (don't hate me if I spelt that wrong, I've never done ANY German in my life, apart from orally. Oh god, that sounds so wrong).

In some ways I feel like a bit of a language dunce as I only speak two languages. Some people here seem to speak about five fluently! I blame Australia and our lack of interest in foreign languages.

Sometimes having the international language as your mother tongue puts you at disadvantage: of course it mainly rocks.

One way I can tell that my French is rapidly improving: often when I skype I can only think of the French that refers to the abstract picture in my head. Those of you who skype with me will know this.

Now this is retarded you might think, but it happens to me all the time. Much safer en francais.

En parlant francais, le truc est qu'il y a toujours des mots francais qui me manquent: Mais, bien sur. 

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